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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Veneralia Celebrations at STD

Veneralia Celebrations at STD

Posted by Cmdr_Jameson on 23:00, 31/3/2009 | , ,
Just in case you can't tell.
We just received this by courier from Stuart Tyrrell:
Ok, so we're not Roman, but when have we ever let a small detail like that get in the way of a good party? And, if we're talking of partying, who better to show us the way? Ave Caesar!
It's been exactly V years since we last marked Veneralia with a product launch so we thought that it was about time that we did it again.
Last time it was our unique UNIpod hopping onto the stage that caused the uproar and has proved incredibly popular ever since. This year we're hoping our vibrant Vpod will spring forth to a similarly vast audience.
UNIpod: the only podule you'll ever need
Vpod: the only other podule you'll ever need ;-)
It's early in the season and Vpod is still a little bud, full of potential and vitality, verging on blooming but not yet bearing fruit.
We expect them to ripen by the 25th of April and to have a bountiful crop in time to produce stunning displays at the Wakefield flower^H^H^H^H^H^HRISC OS show.
So come along and share our vivid Vpod vision!
Venus Verticordia, the guest of honour at our celebration, had this to say about the Vpod: "I love it already and so will you!"
Adjusting her myrtle wreath vainly, voluptuous Venus voiced, "Vpod is such a fantastic product, I'm glad you named it after me."
Sorry, no pictures are available yet. Our artist has run out of #ffcba4, he expects to be able to pick some more up on his way back from lunch.
He dithered about mixing #ffcda3 and #ffc9a5, but he likes his pictures perfect.
Notes for Romans
Wakefield is a new town on the road from EBVRACVM to DANVM, between LAGENTIVM and CAMVLODVNVM.
Wakefield show: Dies Saturni xii Aprilis MMIX
Vpod costs X denarii

  Veneralia Celebrations at STD
  nunfetishist (09:53 1/4/2009)
  nunfetishist (23:08 1/4/2009)
Rob Kendrick Message #109704, posted by nunfetishist at 09:53, 1/4/2009
Today's phish is trout a la creme.

Posts: 525
Given dinari were pegged to the value of a sheep, which are actually quite expensive, this Vpod is likely to be very expensive! smile
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Rob Kendrick Message #109710, posted by nunfetishist at 23:08, 1/4/2009, in reply to message #109704
Today's phish is trout a la creme.

Posts: 525
You think this is an April's fool, do you? I see.
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Veneralia Celebrations at STD