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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: SC2000: Cheats, hints and tips

SC2000: Cheats, hints and tips

Posted by Richard Goodwin on 00:00, 30/10/2000 | , ,

This page contains cheats, hints and tips for players of the game Sim City 2000. All cheats work with the PC and Acorn versoins but I'm not too sure about the Mac version, but it's still worth a try.

Click on where you want to go


Super Sim
Is it a bird, is it a plane, no, it's Super Sim!

Super Sim is sim city's equivalent to superman. He will come and save your city from disaster about every 1 in 10 times. In all cases he will not leave until he has removed all dangers. You can tell when he has come to the aid of your city because your citizens will let off a loud chear rather than the usual siren sound which usualy plays when you have a disaster.



Magic Eraser

The magic eraser is a cheat included in the game by Maxis to enable players to "hide" structures and re-use the land on which they once stood. The cheat is activated by following these steps:

The effect of this cheat is quite odd, it seems that the structure is still there if you query the tile but it is not visible and it is possible to build over it. This is handy for building arcologies because they no longer create any crime once hiden yet still add to your population. Click here for a screenshot of the cheat being used.


Other Cheats...

Click here to see the text version of the Sim City 2000 FAQ (Frequently Asked Question List), this version renders faster and is on this server so is quicker. Alternatively, you can click here to go to the HTML version of the FAQ.

Below are some cheats that I know (Just type the word during game play.):

    CASS-Money or a disaster (15% chance of a disaster)
    FUND-$10,000 bond (at 25% interest)
    JOKE- a Joke
Note: When you use the "cass" cheat, your city may become over-run with churches - you have been warned!
  SC2000: Cheats, hints and tips
  (21:10 11/7/2003)
  Diana T (18:55 28/7/2003)
    Random (12:32 27/8/2003)
      Fire Girl (04:43 15/9/2003)
        Willow (01:18 26/10/2003)
          corina (18:58 8/12/2003)
            abby (00:20 18/12/2003)
              Jorge Fallas (01:11 21/12/2003)
                Benjer (03:43 12/11/2004)
                  AJ (20:30 14/11/2004)
                    Jon (11:23 20/11/2004)
                      garrett (15:49 21/1/2005)
                        westanimas (03:24 17/3/2005)
                          georgie (20:06 3/5/2005)
                            georgie (20:07 3/5/2005)
                              LUKE APPS (08:44 18/9/2005)
                                the dude (02:47 1/10/2005)
                                  the du de (02:48 1/10/2005)
                                    the dude (02:49 1/10/2005)
                                      the dude (02:50 1/10/2005)
                                         (03:09 1/10/2005)
                                           (03:10 1/10/2005)
                                            htth (03:10 1/10/2005)
                                              fgdfsg (22:48 20/3/2006)
                                                Leon (20:43 25/3/2006)
Prestomagic22 Message #87853, posted at 21:10, 11/7/2003
Unregistered user simcity is a thinking game if u don't have skills to pay the bills don't play this game
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Diana T Message #87854, posted at 18:55, 28/7/2003, in reply to message #87853
Unregistered user sim city 2000/3000 should know be on every new computer
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Random Message #87855, posted at 12:32, 27/8/2003, in reply to message #87854
Unregistered user I realy need a copy of Sim City 2000, but can't find a copy anywhere!!
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Fire Girl Message #87856, posted at 04:43, 15/9/2003, in reply to message #87855
Unregistered user Where can I find the stupid power plant???? :(
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Willow Message #87857, posted at 01:18, 26/10/2003, in reply to message #87856
Unregistered user Sim City 2000 was a Special Edition, and it's from 1995, so that may be why you are having trouble finding it.

Ya'll, put in the CD, then when the screen pops up, don't hit quit, but hit proceed and read the tutorial. It's really helpful . . . it took me years to figure out how to play, because I didn't know about the tutorial, but once you read it, you can pretty much grasp the game quickly. Try typing imacheat and it gives you $500,000 each time, plus all the benefits/rewards. Use it a lot - I've never built a successful city without getting at least $10,000,000 , as pathetic as it sounds. I'm now officially obsessed with Sim City 2000. ^_^
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corina Message #87858, posted at 18:58, 8/12/2003, in reply to message #87857
Unregistered user i dont no how to work these cheats wer do u type it?
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abby Message #87859, posted at 00:20, 18/12/2003, in reply to message #87858
Unregistered user I cannot seem to get my power plant to produce power, what am i doing wrong?
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Jorge Fallas Message #87860, posted at 01:11, 21/12/2003, in reply to message #87859
Unregistered user My trains dissapear, how I can put how many trains I like without worrying that they dissapear in the subways and adding as much trains I like?
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Benjer Message #87861, posted at 03:43, 12/11/2004, in reply to message #87860
Unregistered user From corina:

>>i dont no how to work these cheats wer do u type it?

When you're in the main window looking down on the city, simply type in the cheat. There is no prompt in which to type it. If you typed it in correctly, you will get the desired result.

From: abby

>>I cannot seem to get my power plant to produce power, what am i doing wrong?

Power plants will *always* produce power, no matter what. Make sure you connect your power plants to your zones via power lines.

From: Jorge Fallas

>>My trains dissapear, how I can put how many trains I like without worrying that they dissapear in the subways and adding as much trains I like?

There is a limit of about 5 trains or so at a time. There is nothing you can do to control their movement without changing the tracks on which they run. If a train does go into a tunnel, there is a chance it will re-emerge if the tunnel has no branches. Otherwise it will be a long while before the train appears again. If your trains become stuck where they are, simply demolish all 3 sections of the train. A new train will appear at the nearest train station.

I know this response is hopelessly out of date, but there's something so poignant about posting comments at an abandoned website.
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AJ Message #87862, posted at 20:30, 14/11/2004, in reply to message #87861
Unregistered user how do start making houses get built. and how do you start a population
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Jonathan Pritchard Message #87863, posted by Jon at 11:23, 20/11/2004, in reply to message #87862
Posts: 5
It never hurts, Benjer ;)
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garrett Message #87864, posted at 15:49, 21/1/2005, in reply to message #87863
Unregistered user What do i have to do to type a cheat i pressed enter it does nothing how do i type in a cheat?
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westanimas Message #87865, posted at 03:24, 17/3/2005, in reply to message #87864
Unregistered user I have never cheated SC2000, and can easily get a city running well off of $20,000. Here's some tips for those of you who play for sport:

The real trick to SC2000 is how you space your blocks and zones. Centralize commercial zones, and try to build them in square blocks of 9 next to parks, etc, which will help increase their value and make them build. Build your industrial zones on the outskirts of town, and connect them to eachother and to the residential zones with rail. (Most of your traffic will occurr where R. zones meet I. zones.) Build residential zones wherever you can, in between commercial and industrial. Along the game, build low-density residential zones on hillsides and in small spots near trees and water. Their land value will maximize, and so will your tax revenue.

Space most of your blocks four squares wide, and as long as you want. This seems to work the best for residential zones, and conserves space. Build commerical blocks in square blocks of four large buildings each. (9 squares per building.) Simply mix the two grid patterns across the landform.

And last, connections are *necessary* Build rail, road, and freeway connections to each town bordering yours. Be careful of freeways cuz they are prone to traffic and smog. Connections will help all your zones grow well, and consequently give you more money to build.
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georgie Message #87866, posted at 20:06, 3/5/2005, in reply to message #87865
Unregistered user how do i get my houses to get built???? how do i make houses???? if you know ho plzzzzzz anser!?
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georgie Message #87867, posted at 20:07, 3/5/2005, in reply to message #87866
Unregistered user no* not ho lol
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LUKE APPS Message #87868, posted at 08:44, 18/9/2005, in reply to message #87867
Unregistered user i cant seem to be able to build a power plant
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the dude Message #87869, posted at 02:47, 1/10/2005, in reply to message #87868
Unregistered user omg i cant find any tuturial where is the tuturial !?!?!?!?!? -.-
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the du de Message #87870, posted at 02:48, 1/10/2005, in reply to message #87869
Unregistered user omg someone answor me plz
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the dude Message #87871, posted at 02:49, 1/10/2005, in reply to message #87870
Unregistered user hello ?
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the dude Message #87872, posted at 02:50, 1/10/2005, in reply to message #87871
Unregistered user how do u build houses power plnts and stuff --more importantly wheres the tuturial !!!???!!!???
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Message #87873, posted at 03:09, 1/10/2005, in reply to message #87872
Unregistered user answor plz
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Message #87874, posted at 03:10, 1/10/2005, in reply to message #87873
Unregistered user this sucks no buddy answors
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htth Message #87875, posted at 03:10, 1/10/2005, in reply to message #87874
Unregistered user this sucks nobody answors
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fgdfsg Message #87876, posted at 22:48, 20/3/2006, in reply to message #87875
Unregistered user How do you get a stupid power plant????
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Leon Message #87877, posted at 20:43, 25/3/2006, in reply to message #87876
Unregistered user HOW DO I BUILD A POWER PLANT?!?!
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: SC2000: Cheats, hints and tips