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Username Name Website Posts
Phlamethrower Jeffrey Lee http://www.phlamethrower.co.uk/ 15100
monkeyson2 Phil Mellor http://www.monkeyson.info/ 12380
moss John Hoare http://www.ofla.info/ 9348
rich Richard Goodwin http://www.houseofmabel.com/ 6828
[mentat] I don't have tourettes you're just a cun 6266
andypoole Andrew Poole http://www.andrewpoole.org.uk 5558
filecore Jason Togneri http://ironlord.acornarcade.com 3867
andrew Andrew 3439
ad Andrew Duffell 3262
Hertzsprung James Shaw http://www.datumedge.co.uk 1746
adrianl Adrian Lees 1637
VincceH VinceH http://www.softrock.co.uk 1600
ksattic Simon Wilson http://simonrules.com 1291
tlsa Michael Drake http://www.smoothartist.com/ 1097
ilcook Ian Cook 1075
Loris Tony Haines http://lysisgames.com 1025
ToiletDuck Mark Quint 1016
tribbles Jason Tribbeck http://www.tribbeck.com/ 929
flibble Peter Howkins http://www.marutan.net 891
SparkY Gavin Smith 697
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