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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: ART thingy - Who are these strange people?

ART thingy - Who are these strange people?

Posted by Tim Fountain on 00:00, 7/10/1998 | , , ,

Following the leaking of a legal document last week which indicated that the steering group were well on the way towards coming to an agreement with Acorn over taking hold of the reins with regard to Phoebe and all things desktop, a rather blank posting has appeared in comp.sys.acorn.announce today...

The Steering group have 'reluctantly' withdrawn from their negotiations with Acorn upon discovery that Acorn were involved in direct negotiations with a technology company from the Netherlands concerning the future of the Acorn Product business. The Steering group say they are pleased that another company has taken over their quest since the new firm have financial backing and also technical and manufacturing experience which would come in handy should they ever end up producing our favourite desktop machines. The identity of this new company is unknown but your Acorn Arcade news editor is doing his best to find out for you!

It is not known whether or not this new company is interested in producing/selling desktop RISC OS based machines to the consumer market in the UK but the Steering Group have said they will endeavour to persuade them should they not see the benefits of producing the much talked about RiscPC 2 Phoebe.

Although the un-named company remains that way, all the evidence, at this moment, points to Tulip, a Computer company of yesteryear that has recently reformed. But please note this is pure speculation on my part at this point!.

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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: ART thingy - Who are these strange people?