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RISC OS interview with Andrew Rawnsley (Part 4)

Posted by Mark Stephens on 07:17, 28/12/2023 |

We continue with Part 4 of Andrew Rawnsley's RISC OS interview.

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RISC OS interview with Andrew Rawnsley (Part 3)

Posted by Mark Stephens on 07:17, 27/12/2023 |

We continue with Part 3 of Andrew Rawnsley's RISC OS interview.

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RISC OS interview with Andrew Rawnsley (Part 2)

Posted by Mark Stephens on 07:17, 26/12/2023 |

We continue with Part 2 of Andrew Rawnsley's RISC OS interview.

Continue reading "RISC OS interview with Andrew Rawnsley (Part 2)" | 3 comments in the forums

RISC OS interview with Andrew Rawnsley (Part 1)

Posted by Mark Stephens on 07:43, 25/12/2023 |

I really excited that Andrew Rawnsley has agreed to do a xmas Interview for us! He really needs no introduction to let's dive into Part 1 (I have split the interview across several parts)

Continue reading "RISC OS interview with Andrew Rawnsley (Part 1)" | 6 comments in the forums

RISC OS interview with Andy Vawer

Posted by Mark Stephens on 08:33, 7/4/2023 |
At the recent South-West Show, I was lucky enough to meet the person behind both RISC OS Developments TCP/IP stack and Pinboard2. So naturally, I ambushed him and asked him to introduce himself...
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RISC OS interview with Andrew Oyston

Posted by Mark Stephens on 08:49, 14/6/2022 |

I was lucky enough to finally meet the blogger, RISC OS and Retro fan Andrew Oyston in person at the recent Wakefield show. So naturally, I ambushed him and asked him to tell us more...

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RISC OS interview with Rick Murray

Posted by Mark Stephens on 07:30, 24/12/2021 |
For your Christmas treat this year, we have an interview with Rick Murray - long time RISC OS user, blogger and now games developer sharing his RISC OS experiences.
Enjoy and a very Merry Christmas from TIB.
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RISC OS interview with Mark Moxon

Posted by Mark Stephens on 06:57, 25/5/2021 |
This time round, we talk to Mark Moxon, a name which will be very familiar to anyone who read any Acorn magazines.
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RISC OS interview with Chris Johnson

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RISC OS interview with Steffen Huber

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RISC OS interview with Chris Johns

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RISC OS interview with Gavin Smith

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RISC OS interview with qUE

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RISC OS interview with Bryan Hogan

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