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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: WROCC Newsletter Volume 40:9 reviewed

WROCC Newsletter Volume 40:9 reviewed

Posted by Mark Stephens on 12:08, 30/1/2023 |
The latest copy of the monthly WROCC newsletter arrived in my inbox recently (and is also on the WROCC website).

The December issue is another 8 page PDF mini-magazine with club details and some in-depth articles.
There is an in depth look at Using PackMan to access software and access new releases. If you have not tried it, a whole treasure trove of free software and resources is waiting for you.... There is a review of the CJEmicros converter which lets older machines use PS/2 mice and keyboards. The timetable for the end of 3G on phones is explained and there is a nice tutorial on how to draw concentric circles in Draw.
This month also includes a summary of the September Club meeting and a report on the November club meeting.
Lastly there is a reminder that the AGM is this week on Zoom.
Find out more about WROCC here.
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: WROCC Newsletter Volume 40:9 reviewed