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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Exciting releases for the South-West Show

Exciting releases for the South-West Show

Posted by Mark Stephens on 15:39, 23/2/2023 |
If you are still pondering whether to attend the Saturday show, there has been a steady stream of news snippets showing what you might miss out on...

R-Comp has already offered a free copy of the Iris Browser to anyone who visits and also announced an updated version of PiTools, the release of the PineBook Pro (which can now drive an external monitor), and special offers (including extra bundled software and hardware) on their 4te2 Computers.
RISCOSbits have also been dropping a lot of hints on Twitter about having something FAST to show....
We are aware of several other items which are currently under an embargo so you will find out on saturday.
One thing we are pretty sure about is that you are going to be very disappointed when you read our Show report if you choose to skip the event...
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  Exciting releases for the South-West Show
  arawnsley (21:57 24/2/2023)
Andrew Rawnsley Message #125389, posted by arawnsley at 21:57, 24/2/2023
R-Comp chap
Posts: 596
Just to be clear, it is RISC OS Developments offering the free Iris, not R-Comp. You can only claim that on the RISC OS Developments stand, NOT the R-Comp one.
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Exciting releases for the South-West Show