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Acorn Arcade forums: General: Source code for 6502Em and Z80Em
  Source code for 6502Em and Z80Em
  murkle (11:19 17/3/2023)
  arawnsley (15:24 17/3/2023)
    murkle (13:05 27/3/2023)
    helpful (04:37 29/3/2023)
      arawnsley (11:19 30/3/2023)
Michael Borcherds Message #125400, posted by murkle at 11:19, 17/3/2023
Posts: 4
I've finally got around to uploading the source for 6502Em and Z80Em


Stephen Harrison has updated 6502Em so it should work well on RISC OS 5.28 (give or take Electron emulation)

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Andrew Rawnsley Message #125401, posted by arawnsley at 15:24, 17/3/2023, in reply to message #125400
R-Comp chap
Posts: 596
I have a customer who is super-keen to use 6502Em on a laptop (Pinebook). This would require either a "run in a window" mode, or running at 1920x1080 full screen. (The panel will only do one resolution)

Are either of these practical/possible?
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Michael Borcherds Message #125404, posted by murkle at 13:05, 27/3/2023, in reply to message #125401
Posts: 4
The problem with "run in a window" is Mode 7 Teletext - 6502Em uses RISC OS's native Mode 7

Maybe the emulated one from BeebIt could be adapted

Apart from that the windowing code from Z80Em could be adapted I think (someone would have to actually do the work though...)
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Bryan Hogan Message #125405, posted by helpful at 04:37, 29/3/2023, in reply to message #125401
Posts: 252
Any reason they can't use BeebIt instead? That runs in 1920x1080 since v0.72
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Andrew Rawnsley Message #125407, posted by arawnsley at 11:19, 30/3/2023, in reply to message #125405
R-Comp chap
Posts: 596
Thanks for this smile

I couldn't coax the version I had to work, but will try latest version. May also be to do with colour depths, but fingers crossed!
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Acorn Arcade forums: General: Source code for 6502Em and Z80Em