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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: The Book of Draw Stuff reviewed

The Book of Draw Stuff reviewed

Posted by Mark Stephens on 07:35, 6/1/2024 |

The Book of Draw Stuff by Chris Dewhurst was first published by Drag'n'Drop in 2015, but I had not really 'clocked' it until I happened to pick up a copy at the recent MUG fair.

Essentially, it is the user manual, specification and Programmers Reference Guide to Draw. It covers every aspect on how to use Draw. In 100 pages (and 3 appendices), it covers how Draw works, the file specification for the Draw file and how to work with Draw (the application and the file format). The book is in ring-bound A5 format so very easy to have beside your computer. There are lots of hints and tips (all those keyboard shortcuts to speed up life!) and lots of examples on working with Draw files from BBC BASIC. I found the content (even the very technical) presented in a very readable format.
It should be of interest to everyone from absolute beginner to seasoned professional and there are lots of ideas and follow-up projects for you.
If you want to make more use of this essential RISC OS application, this book is equally essential.

The book costs 11.50 pounds (including UK postage) and there is a PDF with some sample content. You can find more details on the Drag'n'Drop website here.

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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: The Book of Draw Stuff reviewed