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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: DDE31d released

DDE31d released

Posted by Mark Stephens on 06:42, 27/2/2024 |

ROOL has released another regular, incremental update to the Desktop Development Environment

The latest version lists the following changes (and is a free update if you purchased the DDE in the last 12 months).

  • Four new compiler warnings to flag common programmer slip ups
  • Theme sprites for the various apps
  • ToolboxLib now has veneers for the Tabs and TreeView gadgets
  • Updates to the DebugLib, remotedb, and TCP/IP libraries
  • A number of bug fixes to the C compiler, CMHG, and DDT debugger

You can see all the versions of the DDE and changes listed here.

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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: DDE31d released