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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: 2023 Advent calendar for TIB - we need your help!

2023 Advent calendar for TIB - we need your help!

Posted by Mark Stephens on 08:29, 15/11/2023 |

Each year, TIB tries to do something a bit different in December and we would like to run an advent calendar for December with a picture of your RISC OS setup.

Obviously lots of pictures of my RISC OS machines (with my cat in slightly different positions), would be a bit boring! So we need some pictures for you! Here are some ideas from previous years. If you want this to happen, you need to help us to make it happen!

What we want is a picture of a RISC OS system and a brief description. You can show us the applications you use, the latest cool kit you have, any code you have written. If it's RISC OS related we want to see it! If you are writing some software or have a hardware project this is your chance to share it. If you sell RISC OS stuff, this is your chance to (subtly) plug it in the run-up to xmas....

Send it to markstephens AT idrsolutions.com and I will publish it.


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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: 2023 Advent calendar for TIB - we need your help!