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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: ArtWorks 2.5 will feature PDF export

ArtWorks 2.5 will feature PDF export

Posted by Andrew Duffell on 13:25, 2/9/2005 | , , ,
CheerspdfAfter finally convincing POPStar that it really did want to download my mail, I noticed a email from Martin Wuerthner, the developer of Easiwriter and Artworks.

Martin has told us that Artworks 2.5 will be released by the end of 2005 and "will offer direct PDF export". Martin explained that "The usual way to create PDF documents under RISC OS is to create a PostScript file using the RISC OS PostScript printer driver and use third-party software to convert that file to PDF. Unfortunately, this approach suffers from various shortcomings in the PostScript format and in the RISC OS PostScript printer driver, which often leads to loss of quality."

The direct PDF export will support "all ArtWorks 2 features without involving any intermediate file format."

The upgrade price to Artworks 2.5 will be 30 UKP for 2.4 users.

Martin also confirmed that the ArtWorks crazy summer sale continues

Link: Artworks 2.5 new features

  ArtWorks 2.5 will feature PDF export
  Hertzsprung (13:37 2/9/2005)
  ad (13:48 2/9/2005)
    mavhc (14:37 4/9/2005)
      Chris (07:29 5/9/2005)
James Shaw Message #93827, posted by Hertzsprung at 13:37, 2/9/2005

Posts: 1746
This is excellent news. According to MW's update page, he is exploiting PDF 1.4 capabilities to achieve true vector transparency. I'm not even sure if Xara X1 can do this.
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Andrew Duffell Message #93828, posted by ad at 13:48, 2/9/2005, in reply to message #93827

Posts: 3262
I was already intending to buy ArtWorks 2.4 (currently only have v1.7), but now I am stuck with the dilema of whether it is cheaper to buy v2.4 now, and upgrade to 2.5 later, or to hold out and buy 2.5 straight up. :|
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Mark Scholes Message #93829, posted by mavhc at 14:37, 4/9/2005, in reply to message #93828
Posts: 660
Re Postscript printer drivers

Would it be possible to create a true PDF printer driver to overcome these problems?

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Chris Message #93830, posted by Chris at 07:29, 5/9/2005, in reply to message #93829
Posts: 283
I bought 2.4 from scratch earlier this year, having procrastinated for much too long. It's absolutely brilliant, and defintely worth the money. Even on my creaking RiscStation it's pretty quick. I'd definitely consider upgrading when the PDF export appears.
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: ArtWorks 2.5 will feature PDF export