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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Installing the new ROM release for your Titanium

Installing the new ROM release for your Titanium

Posted by Mark Stephens on 10:23, 22/7/2017 | , ,
Elesar emailed all its clients and announced on the newsgroups that there was a new software update for the Titanium. In this article we will download and install it with a sequel to look at the new features.
As well as the 'vanilla' Titanium, CJEmicro's and R-Comp have systems based on the board. As my machine is from R-Comp, I checked with Andrew Rawnsley about whether it was a good idea to install or wait for an official update from them. R-Comp are indeed planning to do a proper machine-specific update once they had done their own testing. You can wait for them or you can use the new update. If you have a machine from CJEmicro's I would confirm their advice first.
If your Titanium is your critical work machine, you might want to wait a little while to let others test the upgrade (which is equally valid advice on new MacOS, Linux or Windows updates).
The Elesar download link actually takes you to a download page on the ROOL website where you have a choice of downloads, depending on how 'cutting edge' you would like to be. The bottom item is the recommended stable release and it is twice as big because it includes a second version of the ROM.

The official download is the 5 meg download which contains everything you need to upgrade your Titanium and a clear and helpful readme.

There is a potential risk for things to go wrong, so you are advised to make sure you have backups of all your data before you start (always a good idea to keep regular backups in any case!). Murphy's law generally means the more prepared you are the less likely things will go wrong...
Two versions of the new OS release are supplied, with and without zpp included. Which one you choose will be down to your personal preferences and the software you are using.
The actual upgrade consists of 3 steps:-
1. Update the software on your disk (using Merge to update !Boot with any changes).
2. Sanity check by soft loading the ROM on your machine using the softload obey file, just to make sure. If there are any issues, you can then revert back to the original with a quick reboot.
3. Use the FlashSQPI application to burn a new copy of the ROM onto your system. This can be a little time-consuming and should not be interrupted. Once it is done, you can reboot the machine.
Before you do any of this, it is worth reading the readme fully TWICE.
It is very easy to see if the machine has been updated.


You have an updated machine running the latest version of RISC OS for your machine. Next time we will look at what is new...
  Installing the new ROM release for your Titanium
  markee174 (18:05 10/8/2017)
  markee174 (13:52 11/8/2017)
Mark Stephens Message #124132, posted by markee174 at 18:05, 10/8/2017
Does all the
work around here

Posts: 145
R-Comp has sent out an email to their Titanium users with details of their software update.
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Mark Stephens Message #124137, posted by markee174 at 13:52, 11/8/2017, in reply to message #124132
Does all the
work around here

Posts: 145
I can confirm installed on my machine and work flawlessly. Has a nice, little installer App
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Installing the new ROM release for your Titanium