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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Midlands Virtual Midsummer MUG Show 2022 Report

Midlands Virtual Midsummer MUG Show 2022 Report

Posted by Mark Stephens on 17:30, 2/7/2022 |
The first Midlands Virtual Midsummer MUG Show was on Saturday 2nd July from 11am to 4pm.

The great advantage of an online show is that anyone can attend from anywhere. You don't need to live within reasonable distance of London or Wakefield, just a copy of Zoom (and maybe an alarm clock if you are a different timezone).
The Show consisted or a whole set of Breakout rooms with a mixture or prerecorded material and live talks. There was a wide range with both news and lots of hands on demos and tutorials.
There was a wide range of people involved, including Amcog, Cloverleaf, Drag'N'Drop, Elesar, MUG, RComp/ROD, RISCOSbits, ROOL, Sine Nomine, Soft Rock Software and Wifi Sheep. Most of them are running special offers on their websites this weekend.
All the live talks were recorded so will hopefully be available online if you missed anything. You can read our notes here
There were also plenty of chances to talk to other RISC OS users and a breakout room ('RISC OS kitchen') to hang out in.
Lastly a big thank-you to all the organisers and contributors. This is a really welcome addition to the RISC OS Calendar and I hope we will see it become a regular event.
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Midlands Virtual Midsummer MUG Show 2022 Report