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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: News in brief

News in brief

Posted by Andrew Duffell on 23:05, 9/1/2005 | , , , , , ,
Bloke doing newsThere is a few things that we have missed since the start of 2005, so I will quickly round them up in summary.
Our friends at Drobe have given three lucky RISC OS users a copy of Desktop Repton Plus after choosing them at random from those who voted in their RISC OS 2004 awards.
Microdigital have sent out a "well written" 60 page welcome guide for the Omega computer to owners which explains the basics of getting to know your Omega.
LAUG (Liverpool) and BAUG (Bottisham) both meet this coming Tuesday at 7:30PM. All a welcome. SAUG (Soton) meet this Monday at 7:00PM.
CJE Micro's are selling some rather nice 20 inch LCD monitors for 614 of our British Pounds.
  News in brief
  john (23:50 9/1/2005)
  jmason (10:37 10/1/2005)
    sa110_mk (21:20 11/1/2005)
      flibble (17:28 17/1/2005)
John D Message #93245, posted by john at 23:50, 9/1/2005
Posts: 261
I can only see a 20 inch one, presumably that's just a typo :o
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John Mason Message #93246, posted by jmason at 10:37, 10/1/2005, in reply to message #93245
Posts: 12
Yes. It is a 20.1 inch LCD monitor.

John (CJE)

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Paul Stewart Message #93247, posted by sa110_mk at 21:20, 11/1/2005, in reply to message #93246
Posts: 144
Got a 19" BENQ from Misco for £250 pounds. Works well with RPC in all the standard screen modes and also works fine with the games I've tried.
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Peter Howkins Message #93248, posted by flibble at 17:28, 17/1/2005, in reply to message #93247

Posts: 891
Shop around for your LCD monitors, Acer AL2021MS from 509ukp (ebuyer.com) to 560ukp (softjam.co.uk)
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: News in brief