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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: November WROCC talk on Wednesday with R-Comp

November WROCC talk on Wednesday with R-Comp

Posted by Mark Stephens on 08:00, 30/10/2023 |

The November WROCC talk on wednesday night sees the return of Andrew Rawnsley.

Andrew will be telling us about developments at R-Comp and RISC OS Developments. These talks are usually informative (and often go on into the small hours).

As usual the talk will be on Zoom and video should be released shortly afterwards.

WROCC website

  November WROCC talk on Wednesday with R-Comp
  nytrex (10:36 30/10/2023)
  markee174 (11:54 30/10/2023)
Alan Robertson Message #125515, posted by nytrex at 10:36, 30/10/2023
Posts: 111
You seem to have the incorrect text for this particular news item.
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Mark Stephens Message #125516, posted by markee174 at 11:54, 30/10/2023, in reply to message #125515
Does all the
work around here

Posts: 145
Thanks for flagging.
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: November WROCC talk on Wednesday with R-Comp