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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Organiser updated to version 2.29d

Organiser updated to version 2.29d

Posted by Mark Stephens on 07:36, 13/4/2023 |
!Organizer continues to be maintained and enhanced and the South-West Show saw the release of 2.29c, shortly followed by 2.29d. The changes are some small quality of life changes (like updating the Calendar dates for 2023) and some bug fixes, but it is also free to current users.

I am especially excited that the Application now checks to see if it has loaded your diary and just opens this copy. Previous releases allowed you to open multiple copies with the same data file (which is potentially dangerous for over-writing). I mentioned this at the the Show and it was rapidly fixed! So if you are aware of any issues, let the developers know...
If you want to see the changes in the software, it is nicely documented and also showcases !StrongHelp. Just choose the Help option from the menu

and select Version History (there are lots of other goodies on that page as well)


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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Organiser updated to version 2.29d