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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: RISC OS London Show 2020

RISC OS London Show 2020

Posted by Mark Stephens on 18:34, 24/10/2020 | ,
Like everything in 2020, the RISC OS London Show was an online event. It was streamed on Zoom, with 2 streams on YouTube as well. One of the useful features of being online was that people could post comments in the chat window. Being online also allowed pets and children to show up as well...

The format consisted of a full day of shortened talks, allowing a lot more RISC OS developers to share updates. Talks ran 11am-6.30pm (with an hour off for lunch). There was informal chat before and after the event. There is a separate report on the talks.
The Show always includes special show offers, and as well as the offers announced in the talks, you can get a special deal on !Organizer
CJE Micros did not do a talk but put up a detailed post on their blog.
During the course of the day, there were around 50-60 people watching on Zoom with 99 or so on Leo White's YouTube channel and over 40 on WifiSheep. A major benefit of Zoom was the chat window which was busy all day with comments, links and questions.
There was lots of see during the day. The highlight for me was the release of RISC OS 5.28.
Thank-you to the organisers for putting together a virtual show. It was certainly different from the usual show. It worked very well for bringing the Community together and sharing new developments.
What were your impressions/thoughts?
  RISC OS London Show 2020
  richw (21:35 25/10/2020)
Richard Walker Message #124970, posted by richw at 21:35, 25/10/2020
Posts: 73
I found it enjoyable to watch. Well done to everyone involved.

You can watch it all here
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: RISC OS London Show 2020