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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Rougol Talk May 2024 - Andy Vawer

Rougol Talk May 2024 - Andy Vawer

Posted by Mark Stephens on 07:41, 21/5/2024 |

The May 2024 talk was a hybrid meeting featuring Andy Vawer (in the pub) talking about the various software has is working on for RISCOS Developments and his general RISC OS experiences.

Andy started with his RISC OS history (starting on BBC). Built a practice management system for vets on RISC OS. Qualified as a Vet in 1999. Tried Linux after Acorn closed down and ported across software. 

In 2018 slipped a disc and retired as a vet. New role gave him much more time to play/code and went back to RISC OS on his Pis.  Did the clipboard bounty. RPCEmu very useful for module debugging! Updated PNG support and export in RISC OS.

Now focussed on ROD projects - wrote Pinboard 2. Adding transparency to Icon Bar 'challenging'. Also one of the developers who wrote the ROD TCP/IP stack. Key aim to make it maintainable and easy to update. Then able to work on wifi. The Network Manager ties it all nicely together and still evolving. Network manager includes profiles so you can have multiple configurations. We were treated to a tour of Network Manager - it has a lot of features!

CacheFS was another 'little' project. Developed for Iris and turned out to have general application.

After the formal talk, there was plenty of time for questions.

As usual, details on talks available on the Rougol website.

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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Rougol Talk May 2024 - Andy Vawer