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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: WROCC August Newsletter Volume 41:5 reviewed

WROCC August Newsletter Volume 41:5 reviewed

Posted by Mark Stephens on 06:26, 24/8/2023 |
The AUGUST edition of the WROCC Newsletter was mailed out to all club members last week.

This month the magazine is back to 12 pages of varied news, reviews opinions and tutorials in a PDF format so you can read it on anything (it is probably compatible with your fridge).
There is plenty of club content this month. There is a nice appreciation article on Terry Marsh's 28 years of service to WROCC, a look back at how WROCC all began and an appeal for a new Chairman.
Andrew Oyston has an interesting 'What If" article where Acorn might have taken over the world with March....
Chris Hall continues his series on building a system based on the Compute Module 4. An article on Zap covers the use of Modes - you too can use Zap as your default PDF viewer!
The software updates section brings you a selection of free and commercial applications to try.
There is the usual club info and contact details are included along with a teaser for the September talk by Mark Moxon on 6th September (Elite, Elite, and more Elite).
As always, you can find out more about WROCC here. As well as the monthly newsletters, there is a monthly talk on Zoom. So if you are interested in RISC OS, being a member is a no-brainer, and allows us all to be northerners (if only for one night a month).
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: WROCC August Newsletter Volume 41:5 reviewed