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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: WROCC July Newsletter Volume 41:4 reviewed

WROCC July Newsletter Volume 41:4 reviewed

Posted by Mark Stephens on 11:20, 19/7/2023 |
The July edition of the WROCC Newsletter was sent out to all club members this week.

This month the magazine is up to 16 pages of varied articles written by club members. It is definitely turning into a monthly RISC OS magazine in its own right! As a PDF file you can read it on any Computer, tablet or phone.
Chris Hall has an article on setting Time on RISC OS machines, including CMOS values and how it works on the Raspberry Pi. Chris also has an article on how to change and hide your Drive Icons on the desktop.
There is a review of the latest, free game from Jeroen Vermeulen game called Cherry Bomb and a general round-up of new software releases. New midi software is also mentioned.
John McCartney provides an excellent tutorial on how to Sharing with Samba on Linux.
There is a article on Using RISC OS and Mac together which was the topic for the June club talk.
All the usual club info and contact details are included along with a teaser for RISCOSbits talk on 3rd August. There is a write-up on Chris Hughes presenting a cheque to Wakefield Hospice for 1,000 pounds raised at the recent show and a very nice acknowledgment from the Hospice.
Finally some excellent news that there will be a Wakefield Show will be on Saturday 27th April 2024. This will again be at Bradford Cedar Court for the third year. Book your rooms now as it gets full!
As always, you can find out more about WROCC here. As well as the monthly newsletters, there is a monthly talk on Zoom. So if you are interested in RISC OS, being a member is a no-brainer, even if you live 'down south'.
  WROCC July Newsletter Volume 41:4 reviewed
  Elesar (13:47 19/7/2023)
  markee174 (14:18 19/7/2023)
    johnmc (15:49 19/7/2023)
      markee174 (16:25 19/7/2023)
        johnmc (18:32 19/7/2023)
Robert Sprowson Message #125475, posted by Elesar at 13:47, 19/7/2023
Posts: 42
I detect a recursion: Mark writing an article about an article which is by Mark about a talk Mark gave.
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Mark Stephens Message #125476, posted by markee174 at 14:18, 19/7/2023, in reply to message #125475
Does all the
work around here

Posts: 145
I detect a recursion: Mark writing an article about an article which is by Mark about a talk Mark gave.
Explains why the first version crashed with a heap error saying out of memory before I got he order correct....
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John McCartney Message #125477, posted by johnmc at 15:49, 19/7/2023, in reply to message #125476
Posts: 6
John McCarthy? Who he?

Mark, you've made the opposite mistake to that made by the Registrar when my father's birth was registered. The surname should have been McCarthy but it came out as McCartney.

I've only recently found out that Paul (the famous one) should have been a McCarthy as well but when his ancestors landed from Ireland, the immigration official was either dyslexic or partially deaf.

[Edited by johnmc at 15:51, 19/7/2023]
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Mark Stephens Message #125478, posted by markee174 at 16:25, 19/7/2023, in reply to message #125477
Does all the
work around here

Posts: 145
Sorry. I fixed my error a lot quicker!
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John McCartney Message #125479, posted by johnmc at 18:32, 19/7/2023, in reply to message #125478
Posts: 6
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: WROCC July Newsletter Volume 41:4 reviewed