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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: What are your RISC OS new years resolutions???

What are your RISC OS new years resolutions???

Posted by Mark Stephens on 04:16, 31/12/2023 |

December the 31st is traditionally a time for making New Year's Resolutions....

So do you have any RISC OS specific ones???
Some for general/specific adoption might include:

  1. Release something (new/updated product, RISC OS 5.30, Iris)
  2. Attend/organise a show or club meeting.
  3. Join the RISC OS group on GitHub, visit ROOL forums or attend the Fireside chats.
  4. Sponsor a Bounty on the ROOL forum
  5. Upgrade your machine to something new and much faster.
  6. Write an article for Archive/Drag'N'Drop/WROCC/Riscository/TIB
  7. Contribute/join in to make all these things happen

Whatever your 2024 plans,  we wish you a Happy New Year and see you in 2024!

  What are your RISC OS new years resolutions???
  micken (10:59 31/12/2023)
  nytrex (22:22 1/1/2024)
    Raik (06:11 2/1/2024)
  Philip52 (13:14 2/1/2024)
    micken (13:17 2/1/2024)
      Philip52 (08:24 4/1/2024)
  bazley (21:25 14/1/2024)
Michael Grunditz Message #125575, posted by micken at 10:59, 31/12/2023
Posts: 27
2024 will be the year when OWB will be released proper.
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Alan Robertson Message #125577, posted by nytrex at 22:22, 1/1/2024, in reply to message #125575
Posts: 111
2024 will be the year when OWB will be released proper.
Sounds like 2024 is shaping up to be a good year already.
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Raik Fischer Message #125578, posted by Raik at 06:11, 2/1/2024, in reply to message #125577
Posts: 12
For me the same like every year since...
I hope my ffmpeg frontends VideoED and a DVBCut inspired tool are getting more than Alpha and I can offer a Betarelease.
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Philip Green Message #125579, posted by Philip52 at 13:14, 2/1/2024, in reply to message #125575
Posts: 13
I intend to concentrate and persevere in order to get !PrintPDF working in RPCEmu.
I can print from RISC OS emulation on my pi400 but RPCEmu runs on my Mac mini which is already physically connected to the printer.
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Michael Grunditz Message #125580, posted by micken at 13:17, 2/1/2024, in reply to message #125579
Posts: 27
I intend to concentrate and persevere in order to get !PrintPDF working in RPCEmu.
I can print from RISC OS emulation on my pi400 but RPCEmu runs on my Mac mini which is already physically connected to the printer.
Which emulator do you use on pi400?

[Edited by micken at 13:19, 2/1/2024]
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Philip Green Message #125581, posted by Philip52 at 08:24, 4/1/2024, in reply to message #125580
Posts: 13
I downloaded ro528-1875M.img from riscosopen.org and put that on an SD card.
As I said, printing from the Pi400 isn't a problem, but the Pi400 isn't normally on my desk. I have to get it out of its box and set it up when I want to run off a printout from !Superdoku
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Christopher Bazley Message #125583, posted by bazley at 21:25, 14/1/2024, in reply to message #125575
Posts: 1
Mine is to 'finish' the Star Fighter 3000 map editor (http://starfighter.acornarcade.com/sfeditor.htm), by adding editing modes for ships and flightpaths.
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: What are your RISC OS new years resolutions???