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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: RISC OS 'Advent' Calendar 2023 - Michael Grunditz

RISC OS 'Advent' Calendar 2023 - Michael Grunditz

Posted by Mark Stephens on 08:21, 19/12/2023 | ,

Many thanks to Michael Grunditz for sharing what he is up to with OWB (it's not too late to send us your screenshot).

Living as I learn, using OWB as my primary RISC OS browser! Screenshot from Titanium , custom build of RISC OS with PartMan support. I have my 512G from ARMX6 connected with USB. So all and all 1TB SSD storage attached.


  RISC OS 'Advent' Calendar 2023 - Michael Grunditz
  Raik (13:29 19/12/2023)
  nytrex (15:49 19/12/2023)
    micken (20:10 19/12/2023)
      Raik (21:30 20/12/2023)
Raik Fischer Message #125553, posted by Raik at 13:29, 19/12/2023
Posts: 12
I have a fix from Anton Reiser. So I can use my partman SSD on SATA ...
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Alan Robertson Message #125555, posted by nytrex at 15:49, 19/12/2023, in reply to message #125553
Posts: 111
Is this a thing? I thought partman only worked on SCSI drives. Sounds interesting!
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Michael Grunditz Message #125556, posted by micken at 20:10, 19/12/2023, in reply to message #125555
Posts: 27
Is this a thing? I thought partman only worked on SCSI drives. Sounds interesting!
PartMan is for SCSIFS so , ADFS will not work. It would be very
good if it did.
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Raik Fischer Message #125559, posted by Raik at 21:30, 20/12/2023, in reply to message #125556
Posts: 12
Shame and shame on me. I mixed that up :-( Partman doesn't work with ADFS. I use PartiFC, which formats beyond the 256GB FileCore to FAT32. The partition can be mounted without any problems and can also be used under Ti Linux. Sorry again...
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: RISC OS 'Advent' Calendar 2023 - Michael Grunditz