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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: WROCC January 2024 meeting - Sine Nomine

WROCC January 2024 meeting - Sine Nomine

Posted by Mark Stephens on 07:24, 11/1/2024 |

The January 2024 WROCC talk on wednesday night featured Sine Nomine. As usual the meeting took place on Zoom so even people from Wakefield could attend it.

Matthew and Hilary were both presenting and started with a quick 'taster'' of upcoming features in upcoming releases. Firstly, labelling has been improved with multiple on labelling no longer appears  - it is just labelled A1(M) once - and more items actually labelled. The way names are added to roads is generally much more elegant and refined.

RiscOSM has been used to produce some maps for a doctoral thesis by Koos Fockens from the Netherlands - Matthew has a copy -  and they have been working together to create ideas for new features. Matthew always please to hear of how you are using the software.

Reece has been updated with additional options such as Food hygiene data which can be added to maps. Weather forecast and street view data can now be accessed directly from Reece - no need to have to create a map.

Nominatim application allows other RISC OS apps to access Google Street Map data - you really need to watch the demo!

The main focus of the talk was on how to use RiscOSM in advanced ways. The first example involved using Police data on crimes which can be overlaid on a map. This is done using a documented example BASIC application (on the website) with details on the api in the Developer Resources section of the website. 

MapWalker is a python demo to access RiscOSM from Python. This is a simple demo on both Python toolbox apps and how to access RiscOSM.

GPXPlayer is another Python application which plugs into Chris Hall's SatNav application. It allows recording of trips to then show in RiscOSM. Matthew also demoed a nice WaterLevel application.

Matthew has also written an MPD client for RISC OS as it is an open protocol. There was nifty demo on adding buttons and actions to it. This was really impressive! (again watch the video). 

At the end there was plenty of time for questions.

Details on all meetings (and email address to ask for a Zoom link) can be found on the WROCC website.

The talk should be available on youtube in due course.

  WROCC January 2024 meeting - Sine Nomine
  markee174 (18:26 22/1/2024)
Mark Stephens Message #125585, posted by markee174 at 18:26, 22/1/2024
Does all the
work around here

Posts: 146
Video is now online at https://youtu.be/m_syP3J9BdY
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: WROCC January 2024 meeting - Sine Nomine