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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Are the RISC OS show dates on your calendar?

Are the RISC OS show dates on your calendar?

Posted by Mark Stephens on 07:49, 21/7/2017 | ,
It may seem a long way off with the long summer holidays stretching out to there distant horizon, but September and October will come round all too quickly.
So here is a quick reminder to make sure you have notes the date for your diary...
London RISC OS Show will be on Saturday 28th October 2017 at its usual venue of St Giles Hotel - Feltham, London
It is easily accessible by both car and public transport.
All the major (and many minor players) in the RISC OS world attend (and generally run special offers and have new releases). So it is great place to see them, sample their wares and catch-up with other enthusiasts.
In recent years, we have seen some innovations at the RISC OS show with organisers setting up taxi shares, meet ups or lifts via the RISC OS newsgroups, websites or at the show. The Internet make finding other attending much easier, so don't leave it until the last minute this year. The summer will fly by...
There is a useful RISC OS Calendar page over at RISCOSitory which covers shows and also includes user group meetings if you are looking for (or organising) an event.
  Are the RISC OS show dates on your calendar?
  VincceH (09:15 21/7/2017)
  justice (11:10 21/7/2017)
    markee174 (17:01 21/7/2017)
      Phlamethrower (10:56 22/7/2017)
        justice (14:21 22/7/2017)
VinceH Message #124120, posted by VincceH at 09:15, 21/7/2017
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
Not only, but also:

Don't forget that there is a RISC OS Shows and Events discussion mailing list - you can subscribe at http://riscository.co.uk/mailman/listinfo/shows-list_riscository.co.uk

This can be used, amongst other things, to arrange lifts, car shares and so on. To generally plan ahead for the day.
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Dave Lawton Message #124121, posted by justice at 11:10, 21/7/2017, in reply to message #124120
Posts: 40
Not sure what's happened here, but shouldn't the title be :-

Are the RISC OS show dates on your calendar?


How popular are RISC OS sites online?
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Mark Stephens Message #124122, posted by markee174 at 17:01, 21/7/2017, in reply to message #124121
Does all the
work around here

Posts: 145
Thanks for pointing out. Looks like a special feature in the icon bar cms.....

[Edited by markee174 at 17:02, 21/7/2017]
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Jeffrey Lee Message #124123, posted by Phlamethrower at 10:56, 22/7/2017, in reply to message #124122
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
Should be fixed now. I spotted a while ago that it wasn't renaming news articles properly, but never got round to fixing it!
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Dave Lawton Message #124124, posted by justice at 14:21, 22/7/2017, in reply to message #124123
Posts: 40
Where on earth did you find the time, you busy man ?
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Are the RISC OS show dates on your calendar?