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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Digital Retro [updated]

Digital Retro [updated]

Posted by Richard Goodwin on 11:46, 18/10/2004 | , , , ,
Digital Retro coverJust got my hands on Digital Retro: The Evolution and Design of the Personal Computer, a rather gloriously illustrated coffee table book on early computers. So what, I hear you ask? Well, being from a Sussex-based publishing company, you'll find some lovingly-photographed pages on the Acorn Atom, BBC Micro, and Electron. Oh yeah, and a certain TIB webmaster's Archimedes A310, which looks much better than it has any right to what with all the dodgy bits Photoshopped out to make it look pristine. OK, I have a vested interest in the book, so I can't really do a review without some kind of bias. But it is a very, very pretty publication.

El Reg have a more considered review online, which points to the official website of the book.

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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Digital Retro [updated]