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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Disappearing websites

Disappearing websites

Posted by Mark Stephens on 07:38, 9/6/2017 | ,
In the last few weeks some websites of interested to RISC OS users have disappeared.
riscoscode.com used to be great list of interesting snippets from the RISC OS and software world in general selected by Martin Hansen. It now returns a domain expired blank page, although the twitter account is still online. It also looks like piLEARN and Mathmagical have also gone.
Another site which has dropped off the radar is the Pandaboard.org, which was the official home for the Panda. The Panda is still a great RISC OS machine, especially as a compact solution - I use mine at work as my secondary machine to my home Titanium.
Even if these sites are not being updated, this is a loss because they contain lots of useful content is lost and the search links all break.
There are still ways to see these sites (here is an old version of riscoscode). But these version are not always the latest and the links across the internet (and for search are broken).
It does not have to be this way. The old Computer Concepts page has been kept up on there internet by Xara, riscos.org and all its links are still online, APDL has a new home, and we host several sites on iconbar.
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Disappearing websites