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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: RISCOS Southwest

RISCOS Southwest

Posted by Richard Goodwin on 12:22, 5/1/2006 | , , , ,
RISC OS Southwest logoWe've just received advanced warning of the RISCOS Southwest show, so make room in your diaries on Saturday 18th February 2006. There's plenty of info on the website about how to get there, but as for who'll be exhibiting this news is so hot off the, erm, email that you'll have to keep an eye out in the coming days. I did note that Advantage Six and RISCOS Ltd. have already booked their stands and theatre slots though.

Link: myweb.tiscali.co.uk/riscshow

  RISCOS Southwest
  mfraz (19:03 5/1/2006)
  Ron.B (19:53 24/1/2006)
    ad (13:35 29/1/2006)
Mark Fraser Message #94081, posted by mfraz at 19:03, 5/1/2006
Posts: 5
There will also be some information on the WAUG - Wessex ARM User Group - website (www.mfraz.freeserve.co.uk/waug) and the majority of the WAUG will be there on the day.
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Ron. Briscoe Message #94082, posted by Ron.B at 19:53, 24/1/2006, in reply to message #94081
Posts: 18
Will there be a mini bus from Weston-Super-Mare station this year?
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Andrew Duffell Message #94083, posted by ad at 13:35, 29/1/2006, in reply to message #94082

Posts: 3262
Yes. See the bottom of this page:
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: RISCOS Southwest