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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Stuart Tyrrell's FANtastic Christmas offer

Stuart Tyrrell's FANtastic Christmas offer

Posted by Andrew Poole on 15:35, 9/12/2005 | , ,
A9 and USB FanStuart Tyrrell Developments have just dropped a press release to their adoring fans to let us know of their latest Christmas offer, although the press release itself is a little confusing at first glance!

From what I can gather, after asking their A9Home beta testers what was missing from their A9 computer, the most popular answer was a Fan and Fan noise. To solve this, they're offering a USB glowing blue fan free with any UniPod purchases with USB enabled (if you tell them that you're dreaming of a blue Christmas) until the twelfth night, leaving you just four weeks to order one.

The Press Release says they're available to buy for £12.50. It does say that they're big fans of puns. If you make a fan based pun when ordering, you might get a little discount.

STD (Press Release)
- USB Fan product page
- Unipod product page


  Stuart Tyrrell's FANtastic Christmas offer
  Hertzsprung (15:37 9/12/2005)
  andypoole (15:37 9/12/2005)
    monkeyson2 (16:29 9/12/2005)
      rich (17:11 9/12/2005)
        ad (17:32 9/12/2005)
          Richard Hallas (17:34 9/12/2005)
James Shaw Message #94044, posted by Hertzsprung at 15:37, 9/12/2005

Posts: 1746
I think we should set up a fan site to celebrate this product
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Andrew Poole Message #94045, posted by andypoole at 15:37, 9/12/2005, in reply to message #94044
Mouse enthusiast

Posts: 5558
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Phil Mellor Message #94046, posted by monkeyson2 at 16:29, 9/12/2005, in reply to message #94045
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380
Sounds like a load of hot air to me.
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Richard Goodwin Message #94047, posted by rich at 17:11, 9/12/2005, in reply to message #94046
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
Ah, go on, give it a whirl. You'll come round (and round and round).
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Andrew Duffell Message #94048, posted by ad at 17:32, 9/12/2005, in reply to message #94047

Posts: 3262
Why would an A9 owner want a Unipod? ;)
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Richard Hallas Message #94049, posted by Richard Hallas at 17:34, 9/12/2005, in reply to message #94048
Posts: 13
One for the propeller-heads, I think. Still, at least the offer represents a breath of fresh air.

(Seriously, it's one-up on the Omega's USB-powered light, anyway.)

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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Stuart Tyrrell's FANtastic Christmas offer