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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: WROCC November 2023 meeting - Andrew Rawnsley

WROCC November 2023 meeting - Andrew Rawnsley

Posted by Mark Stephens on 08:11, 2/11/2023 |

Wakefield's November speaker was Andrew Rawnsley, updating us on developments at R-Comp and RISC OS Developments

Andrew brought along a hat so you could tell when he talking about R-Comp and when RISC OS Developments. He started with his project to replace with 20-year old RISCube with a very cute, neat little box which is about 10 times faster and also half the electrical bill.

Next he had an RK3399 based Orange Pi800 to show us. It  looks like a Raspberry Pi400 but has 128 gig of high speed eMMC storage and lots of other goodies. It's yours for 199 pounds or less! Or you can source your own and buy just the software pack. 

Version 3.22 version of PhotoDesk released today. Now supports qoi format images. Also a long list of bug fixes and new features. It's a free update to current users and as an upgrade.

(Switching hats) RISC OS Developments has CacheFS which speeds up existing filesystems. Andrew demoed this with displaying and searching the RISC OS User guide which was orders of magnitude faster. Helps to speed up Iris pages with lots of fonts. Support added to !PDF as speeds up PDF files considerably.

(Hat off). Back to R-Comp, The RockyRAID was the next stop on the tour. The demo machine was running eMMC and a RAID drive.

New ROM just released for the PineBook Pro which adds support for sound 😀. Next goal is wifi support.

(Hat on again briefly) Wifi manager is still being developer for general wifi support

R-Comp also has little box to convert wifi to wired.

Next we had the toblerone shaped 4tissimo! which can handle up to 4 SSDs with separate RISC OS and Linux drives. 

Final machine demoed was the Hydra running multiple Compute modules. Andrew showed OpenOffice being edited on a RISC OS screen as they can blend together.

As usual time for questions afterwards....

As usual, it was on Zoom with an audience from all over 'greater' Wakefield. Talk was recorded on Zoom if you missed it.

Details on all meetings (and email address to ask for a Zoom link) can be found on the WROCC website

  WROCC November 2023 meeting - Andrew Rawnsley
  nytrex (10:35 2/11/2023)
  arawnsley (17:12 2/11/2023)
  markee174 (08:59 11/11/2023)
    nytrex (19:25 11/11/2023)
Alan Robertson Message #125517, posted by nytrex at 10:35, 2/11/2023
Posts: 111
As I was unable to attend the meeting, it's great that you posted a concise summary of presentation.

Seems like it was full of exciting products and developments from R-Comp and RISC OS Developments.
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Andrew Rawnsley Message #125518, posted by arawnsley at 17:12, 2/11/2023, in reply to message #125517
R-Comp chap
Posts: 596
Many thanks for the write-up Mark - much appreciated.

Things I forgot to mention...

New software "ClockSave" which saves and restores realtime clock info between restarts, with sanity checking applied. Ensures at least a sane time (if not necessarily accurate) for machines without RTC capability, until they sync to the internet.

This can be important because I've noticed that many websites (and even some other services, possibly including NetTime itself) misbehave/fail if the RTC is wildly out of bounds (eg. 1900 or 2100+) which RISC OS seems prone to.

I'll have it up on !Store ASAP, and to machine owners in download site.

Also, completely unrelated, a local supplier that deals in over-stocks has let us have some half-price (or less) Oppo phones. I got one for Allan whilst he's in hospital, and if any RISC OS folks would like one too, let me know. Oppo A94 (lower end, but with OLED display and 1080+ res) - Allan loves it - and the higher end Find Neo x3. Prices on request (let's not spam iconbar), but significantly lower than Amazon.
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Mark Stephens Message #125521, posted by markee174 at 08:59, 11/11/2023, in reply to message #125517
Does all the
work around here

Posts: 145
Video is now online at https://youtu.be/pVsjabS8wlM
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Alan Robertson Message #125523, posted by nytrex at 19:25, 11/11/2023, in reply to message #125521
Posts: 111
Video is now online at https://youtu.be/pVsjabS8wlM

Watching right now.

CacheFS looks like it could be a real benefit to almost all RISC OS users.
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: WROCC November 2023 meeting - Andrew Rawnsley