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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: News Round Up

News Round Up

Posted by Andrew Duffell on 10:55, 6/6/2005 | , , , , , ,
roundup/witchellThere's been a fair bit going on over the past few days that we have not had time to write about.

New Risc PCs
APDL have sourced a limited number of brand new Risc PCs. These are all unused, in the original packaging and have been stored since new. The specification is: 233Mhz StrongARM; RISC OS 4.02; 4.3GB hard disc, CD ROM drive, 2MB VRAM and 64MB DRAM. Machines are priced at 259UKP with 15UKP postage, and one years warranty.

RISCOS Ltd should have re-opened today after a short break. Finnybank which includes Qercus magazine and FD games will be closed until 13th June for a break.

A9 Roadshow
The next stop for the A9 roadshow will be RONWUG (North West) on Wednesday 15th June at 7PM at Trafford Metrovick Rugby and Cricket Club. [Details]

Software updates
!Tau, the graph-drawing software has been updated to version 1.41. Image processing package Variations has been updated to 0.40b with a vast array of updates including a Dodge/Burn tool. Patrick Mortara has released version 0.96 of !RiscSearch - a search engine frontend. Dave Lambley has released an IPP Device Driver for RISC OS.



  News Round Up
  ad (09:52 7/6/2005)
  andypoole (09:59 7/6/2005)
    moss (16:59 7/6/2005)
      Q (11:07 11/6/2005)
Andrew Duffell Message #93655, posted by ad at 09:52, 7/6/2005

Posts: 3262
What I'm wondering is how APDL came to have a load of brand new Risc PCs which were stored since new? Who would store such things, and why?
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Andrew Poole Message #93656, posted by andypoole at 09:59, 7/6/2005, in reply to message #93655
Mouse enthusiast

Posts: 5558
You'll probably find that they were in the back of a warehouse somewhere, and forgotten about. Either that, or they were saved for someone who now doesn't want them.
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John Hoare Message #93657, posted by moss at 16:59, 7/6/2005, in reply to message #93656

Posts: 9348
Why am I being tempted by those RPCs?

Must... resist...

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John Cartmell Message #93658, posted by Q at 11:07, 11/6/2005, in reply to message #93657
Posts: 37
Just a note to say that RONWUG welcomes visitors and doesn't charge an entrance fee so it's a great chance to see the A9home if you can get to south Manchester (Sale) - and there is plenty of on-site parking space.
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: News Round Up