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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Revisting the old Acorn magazines online

Revisting the old Acorn magazines online

Posted by Mark Stephens on 07:58, 25/8/2017 | ,
Over the years, a lot of high quality magazines have been produced. Most of these are no longer actively published but their back catalogue still contains interesting and relevant material.
Some companies provide electronic copy. You can buy from R-Comp a CD with the complete Risc User collection and Archive has a compilation CD.
Many magazines are now available online if you do not happen to possess a large attic piled high with old editions.
There is a nice index of the Acorn User magazines on Acorn User website and a partial collection of PDF scanned copies (they say reproduced with permission) here. If you can add any of the missing editions, they would be very pleased to hear from you.
The biggest collection I have been able to find is The Computer Magazine Archives. The site also hosts the waybackwhen archive (which stores snapshots of what website used to look like) and it is not above controversy (it was blocked by the Indian government in 2017). The development of the Internet raises huge questions on what is acceptable use and how copyright should work (in practical and legal terms). So you may still want to stick to your pile in the attic.
It includes not just RISC OS machines but everything. So you can also relive your BBC days. I got a bit side-tracked in my researches revisiting Jim Butterfield explaining how the video works on a VIC-20 (my first ever computer). It is also searchable to you can also find items by topic.

Maybe not as fun as scrambling in the attic, but maybe more practical if you have a browser....
  Revisting the old Acorn magazines online
  mac9 (12:37 25/8/2017)
  davidb (16:30 30/8/2017)
    CJE (17:59 30/8/2017)
      flibble (21:53 30/8/2017)
Andrew McCarthy Message #124141, posted by mac9 at 12:37, 25/8/2017
Posts: 14
I like the idea. Also it would be good to see the floppy disc archives made available on-line, as I recall there were some cracking BASIC programs included with those magazines.
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David Boddie Message #124142, posted by davidb at 16:30, 30/8/2017, in reply to message #124141
Posts: 147
Some of the programs from the floppies will have been included in the CD-ROM compilations that Acorn User released. I think those may have found their way online.
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Chris Evans Message #124143, posted by CJE at 17:59, 30/8/2017, in reply to message #124142
CJE Micros chap
Posts: 228
We have stock of most of the Acorn User CDsbig smile
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Peter Howkins Message #124144, posted by flibble at 21:53, 30/8/2017, in reply to message #124143

Posts: 891
We have stock of most of the Acorn User CDssmile

[Edited by flibble at 21:54, 30/8/2017]
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Acorn Arcade forums: News and features: Revisting the old Acorn magazines online